Friday, July 30, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
nap time, hot guys, and soap operas.
Yay!! Its Friday!! Since this is one of my favorite days I figured I would post something fun for you guys. See read and have a great day!!!

Yes J. Franco is on there and he is by far the hottest serial killer you will ever meet......

Hope you enjoyed ladies.....have a fabulous day!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thankful for Patience {its a hard one to master}

As I sit here in our new house, a new town, a new state.....It still doesn't feel real. I can not help, but be extremely thankful for the new path our life has taken. Just a year ago I was commuting 2 hours each way to work, Thomas was applying endlessly for teaching jobs, I was beyond tired, Thomas was very very frustrated....but we still had patience. Thomas is way better at this virtue than I. During our college years and after he was always encouraged me with motivating words to have.......patience. Such a hard thing to master at least for me it is. In college, I learned about "delayed gratification" essentially this psyc term just means patience. The ability to look beyond the here and now, and know that somewhere down the road you will have gratification. College students have to have this in order to see that in a few years they will a degree, mommies to be have to look beyond the nausea, swollen feet, and sleepless nights knowing that in several months they will be holding a beautiful newborn baby. Yes patience is hard. But over these past years my amount of patience has greatly improved.
Moreover {let us also be full in joy now} let us exalt and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unawsering endurance.
Now I am not saying I waited patiently without complaining, wondering when is this going to end, crying many times.....I did all of those things......ALOT. But, as time went on those things became less and less because I realized....he has a plan. And even though, I totally do not get what that plan is or even how it is going happen its there and it will happen. Guess what???? It did. Here's another cliche for ya "Good things come to those who wait"
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
We are here!!!
oh and have a minute. vote for me. super quick. thank you!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thankful Thursday.

3. actually wish me luck!!!
Like me.Like my blog. Vote. Thanks

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Versatile Blogger

The Planet Pink
3.Nominate 15 others for the award
Cartilage Growth made my day.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
hello solids bye bye cleavage
So I don't feel so alone in small boobieland.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mommyhood Memo
Saturday, July 10, 2010
our weekend.
once I perfect the recipe I will post. It was very yummy,
but there are a few adjustments I want to make first.
{they were having sale I had to take advantage}
we also ate some gyros......delish!!!
my Sunday =)
We ate some yummy lunch after church and it had some pretty views......
They love to take pictures can you tell?
Not much happened. But it was a nice.relaxing.uneventful. weekend.
Just what I needed. How was your weekend?
If you have just a sec click and vote for me!
Friday, July 9, 2010
the List
by paragraph two. Instead, I will save you the boredom and your time.
1. The end of my freshman year of college
Vote for me on Picket Fences Please...just click below!!! =)

What's in your bag
- Little Poppy Seed diaper/wipe holder....
which I am currently just using as a diaper holder
- diaper wipes
- a nylon bib {if you haven't tried these you NEED too}
- Teddy's shoes
- Sunblock
- sunblock sample
- California Baby Diaper Rash cream
{this stuff is the best for your baby's
bum natural and smells good}
My things are many:
Lisa's Items:
- keys
- pen
- sunglasses
- a random huge rhinestone ring
- tampon {don't just love being a girl}
- my Starbucks REUSABLE cup....
go get yourself one right now!
- tide pen {works like magic}
- sunblock
- wallet
- mints
- phone
- Bare minerals makeup case I got
from QVC yes I shop there {occasionally}
- loose change
So that is what's in my bag????
And VOTE for me please!!! =)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
babyhood to toddlerhood.
- late night feedings
- pureed peas
- swaddeling
- spit-up
is long gone and has been for a while. I have just recently came to this realization, since I've been back home and had some time to actually take a breath. But now I definately want time to slow down....ALOT please. Teddy has fully entered Toddlerhood:
- walking
- talking {baby talk mostly}
- eating big people food
- the word NO
- on the verge of potty training.....
it amazes me that a baby

can grow into a walking, talking little human
in just 18 months
So any tips on how to slow everything down?? Please share your words of wisdom ;)
Summer To-Do's
1. Go to the beach
2. Read at least 3 books.....this one, and another, and the last one
3. Start sewing.....again
4.Swim lessons for the kids
5.Potty train Teddy {he has been ready for a while but with so much going on traveling/moving/etc I decided to wait till we are settled in our new place}
6. Go camping here
7. Get more organized {this mainly pertains to our bedroom closets}
8. Daily walks with the kids and dog
9. Finish decorating Tay and Teddy's room { ahhhh this has been been an area of much discussion between me and the mister we will leave this area of procrastination in my life for another post}
10. Have a full out picnic...picnic basket included at the park
So what is everyone's plans/hopes/goals for the summer???